The Magic of You
The Magic of You
Your story
Share it, tell it, explore it
We want to know, we want to listen
This is how we connect, we make space
You make it easier for me, through you
You have so much to offer
Share it, tell it, explore it
It gives us a place of sameness
Your talents, abilities, experiences
We want to walk about it
You draw us in
Share it, tell it, explore it
You have an aura
It draws us in
Makes us want to know
More, more, more
Your path is worth sharing
We are all connected. Your story is mine too
When you help one person, you help all those around
Share it, tell it, explore it
We’ve known our truth for a long time
We forgot for a period of time because of life
There comes a moment where we remember who we are
And why we are here
We know our purpose and that is when we soar
When we heal ourselves and those around us
We share our gifts
Share it, tell it, explore it