Intuitive Hits or Nudges
In February, I had a 'nudge' that a house was on sale. A house that I drove by as a child when I was going to high school. An adorable corner house with a white porch. The house always warmed my heart. It wasn't the biggest or best house on the street or in the area but it created an impact on me. I had not driven in that area for years, it was no longer on my route to work. I checked online and it was on sale. The house has not been on sale since 2004! Financially, it required a much bigger down payment that I had available. I started playing the lottery but no wins.
After seeing this house on sale and selling to another owner, I changed my route from work and drive by this house as often as I can. I've realized it means something in my journey so I will wait to see what comes out of this. There are some nudges that you have to wait for the results. This is one of them!
After this intuitive nudge, I now receive these often and throughout the day. I started journaling about this experience to remember what flows in for me. I now listen and do not ignore the information. Cannot wait to see what comes my way!